AOI Voice Chatting
In recent years, massively multiplayer online games
(MMOGs) have become more and more popular. Many
techniques have been proposed to enhance the experience
of using MMOGs, such as realistic graphics, vivid animations,
and player communication tools, etc. However,
in most MMOGs, communication between players is still
based on text, which is unnatural and inconvenient.
We propose the concept of AOI voice chatting for
MMOGs. The term AOI stands for the area of interest; a
player in the MMOG only pays attention to his/her AOI.
By AOI voice chatting, a player can easily chat by voice
with other plays in the AOI. This improves the way players
communicate with one another and provides a more realistic
virtual environment. We also propose two peer-to-peer
schemes, namely QuadCast and SectorCast, to achieve efficient
AOI voice chatting for MMOGs. We perform simulation
experiments to show that the proposed schemes have
reasonable end-to-end delay and affordable bandwidth consumption.
- Huang-Shiang Chen, "Peer-to-Peer AOI Voice Chatting for Massively Multiplayer Online Games," Master's thesis, National Central University, Taiwan, Jul. 2007.
- Jehn-Ruey Jiang and Hung-Shiang Chen, "Peer-to-Peer AOI Voice Chatting for Massively Multiplayer Online Games," to appear in Proc. 13th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2007) workshop P2P-NVE, Dec. 2007.
[paper] [slides]